Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Answer & Point of View.

Big Fat Question Answer.

D11 C: Demonstrating I can present a point of view with historical evidence, concepts and conventions.

If I were to go back in time and live the way the peasants lived I would make a change, I would not want to live poorly and be treated unfarely. I would like to think that I would try living the way they did, but to be honest I think I would make a good change to there diet, living lifestyle, tools, knowledge and communication. To bring the knowledge from 2009 to whenever they lived would be a bright but also a scary idea; if we discovered things earlier things would end much quicker, it'd be better to think that things should stay the way they are untill someone discovers a different way, no-one wants a re-run of the whole past (though it might help us with discovering more) because things are just ment to be undiscovered that way.

To go back and live the life of the upper class would be just as brutal. To know they arn't being fare and living an unhealthy lifestyle would be worse than being a peasant, our life span would shorten since we'd get sicker, fatter, ect... Peasants lived a longer life due to there food preperations and healthier lifestyle.

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