Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Medieval Conflicts & Wars. Timeline.

D10 C: developing timelines.

429-435:Vandal Invasion of Africa

595-616:Byzantine-Avarian War

603-628:Byzantine-Persian War

711-715:Muslim Conquest of Spain

732:The battle of Tours

777:Charlernagne invades spain

800-900:Viking Raids on Europe

1066:Norman Conquest of Britain

1095-1099:The First Crusade

1144-1155:The Second Crusade

1187-1192:The Third Crusade

1190-1227:Conquest of Genghis Khan

1194-1202:Fourth Crusade

1201-1206:Fifth Crusade

1216-1218:The Sixth Crusade

1227-1229:Crusade of the Emperor Frederic II

1240-1241:Crusade of Earl Richard of Cornwall

1245-1254:First Crusade of King Louis IX of France

1282-1302:War of Sicilian Vespers

1295-1314:Scottish Wars of independence

1270:Second Crusade of King Louis IX of France

1337-1453:Hundred Year War

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