Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Cooking Methods & Hygeine of such methods

P1 D, P1 E: I have provided evidence; researching through various websites on cooking methods during medieval times.

To illistrate the hygiene of such methods: The cooking methods would be roughly close to how we cook today only they were more cautious and looked thoroughly during there cooking, in our time we have cooking tools that help us work faster and not as pricisily because we rely on our tools for most of the help, though they did not have most of our high tech cooking tools they had to be cautious and it would take a great deal of time. They cooked pork on spits; the spit would turn so all of the pork would be cooked, it is also better because the fat would be dripping off. Cooking might not have been as healthy as it is today; they would cook stew with worms and it probably wasnt very clean depending on where and how they got it, that kind of stew was suposedly to cure an illness. They were suspicious of some fruits and vegetables because they came from the ground; which was considered dirty to them. Foods became more elaborate thanks to the trade routes opening more during the medieval time period.

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