Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Concept Map.

Blast From The Past.

P1 D, P1 E: Providing evidence that I can research cooking methods used during medieval times, and illustrating the hygiene of such methods.

P1 D: Demonstrating I can investigate the diet of medieval times and assess the health aspects.

D11 C: Demonstrating I can use relevent historical evidence, concepts and conventions to present a point of view.

D11 B: Demonstrating I can evaluate primary and secondary resourses; prior to my research and knowledge.

D10 A: Showing I can describe and analyse key aspects of life in medieval societies.

D10 C: Showing my understanding of change and continuity over time, sequence events and developing timelines and using a range of evidence to describe features of past societies.

D10 B: Demonstrateing I can compare key aspects of past and present society and cultural beliefs and values.

D3H D3K: Showing my understanding of set texts.

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